Yes folks, these are my dancing shoes. Now, don't worry. They didn't get like this overnight. I really needed to replace them over a year ago. But you know how you put things off. Anyway, this Hootin an Hollarin did them in. A new pair is on its way, even as I speak.
These shoes and ones like them have traveled many a mile to dance after dance. But, truly they are most at home here in Gainesville, on the Square, for three nights out of the year. Hootin and Hollarin is when they like to shine.
And shine they did for all three nights. The music was perfect. The weather couldn't have been better. But, actually it is the friends old and new that I dance with that make it such a special time. Some of these folks are old acquaintances and have danced with us for years. Others are new people we have just met. And some are ones who have been gone for a few years and then returned. It doesn't matter. When the music starts, we come alive...regardless of age or experience. As an old time friend once said, "The music just goes all over you and you can't keep your feet still."
We love to see people who sit on the sidelines and watch. In particular this year, I was glad to see our longtime friend Lena Brown, who has just celebrated her 90th birthday, sitting in the front row with her daughter Madeline.
Perfect weather. Great music. All in all, a wonderful time.
And now that the dance is over....time to break in the new dance shoes and look forward to next year's Hootin an Hollarin.