If I had more time.....if time would just stand still.....if...if...if.
Can you make time stand still? I wish I could. Can you go back in time? Sometimes I wish I could...go back and say I love you....go back and not say those words that hurt....just go back and relive some wonderful day.
But I can't. In a few days we will return to standard time. A mixed blessing to me. We have lived many months enjoying cool sunrise and extended twilight. When I was small I loved being able to go out and play after supper....night was long in coming and I had so much to do.
But now I have come to appreciate the shortness of the late fall and winter days. There is something comforting about waking up and getting ready for the day while the sun comes up in the east..knowing that I don't have to race the heat. The coolness of fall mornings and the pleasure of crisp days makes work easier for me. Even as I bundle up in my warmer coat, I smile to think how the wind will feel when I face it blowing in on me. So fresh...not like the humid hot wind of late summer and early fall.
Snow. Snow will be here before long. Perhaps it will wait until the new year. That will be fine. Heavy frost takes its place. I love to see the white crystals on brown leaves and twigs as the sun touches them with fire...sparkling like a million diamonds.
As I turn my clock back I will say good-bye to those warm summer memories....and greet the days ahead...shorter they might be....but with memories in the making.