Saturday, July 20, 2019


Tomorrow I turn 74.  One year away from three-quarters of a century.  It is also my 52nd anniversary.  Yes, I was married on my birthday.  I thought it would make it easier for Andy to have only one date to remember...rather than two.  And he has never disappointed me!
1945 was a good year.  My family greeted me with much joy.  Two boys...and then a little girl.  I don't think my dad ever quit smiling when my mom had me.  He so wanted a little girl.  And I was it.  Spoiled?  Maybe just a little.  Those were happy years....and great memories growing up in a little town in Illinois.
And then I went away to college in Wisconsin.  One day I was standing near the stairs in the library.  I saw a pair of work boots descending....and who in the world wore work boots in college in 1964?  My friend introduced me to a lanky young man who was in her geology class.  And the rest is history.  I was smitten.  From the first date at Fraternity Informals until he asked me to marry him...long distance.  I was in Arizona.  He was in Wisconsin getting ready to head out to Maine.
Talk about a whirl-wind wedding...but thankfully it all came together.
The places we have been.  Prospecting for asbestos for Johns Manville in Maine(my honeymoon.)  Back to Wisconsin to work in a foundry(him) and wait tables(me).  Then the Army called.  Our first separation while he took basic.  Then to Augusta, Georgia and Fort Gordon where he took a year to become an Army Medic.  Then Viet Nam for a year.  Including a trip to Cambodia when I didn't hear from him for two long weeks.  I sat in front of the TV one night while our President announced that our troops had gone into that region...and I knew with heart wrenching certainty that Andy was there too.  Long nights.  Long days.  But he made it home.  Then back to college.  A few years being an assistant at WIU in Macomb.  Bought our farm in Oregon County.  Had a baby girl.  Moved to the farm.  Left there after two years.  And here we are in Gainesville..or the outskirts of Luna...going on 43 years!  Amazing.
What have I learned in 74 years?  Always trust your heart.  Say your prayers and go to bed with a clear mind and conscience.  And never forget to say I love you.... 

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