Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Sometimes when the east wind blows no good thing your way, you have to dream.  When snow flies by your window, ice covers the porch and walk, you have to hope.
You bring out the pictures and books and catalogs that remind you of a warmer, sunnier time.  A time when butterflies found nectar in the blooming flowers that grew in your garden.  A time when you could take off your shoes and feel the cool green grass rubbing off the tiredness of the day.
Sometimes you can close your eyes and hear the rushing stream that you climbed down the steep hill to see.  You can feel the cool breath of spring water as it escapes from the hidden cave.  And you can see the sparkling minnows as they flash their sides, turning and racing there in the shallows.
Dreaming, dreaming.  That is what makes the unbearable, bearable.  That is what gives us hope even when the days are dark and drear.  Somewhere the sun is shining.  And one day it will shine on us again.


  1. This has been a really hard winter. It's just been so cold and icy. I am so looking forward to it warming up to, say, 40!!!!

  2. It is warming up here already. Next few days a gradual increase in temps...then into the 60's next week. We won't know what to do!
