Friday, April 17, 2015


The older I get, the less certain I am that I have all the answers.  And this is a good thing.  I  can remember being a rash and judgmental teenager.  I knew what was right and I was sure that everyone else should feel the same way.
And then life intervened.
Little by little my prejudices have lessened and my life view has widened.  When you see the world with blinders on, there is not much to see.
To say that it has  been an easy task to be a quiet listener and thoughtful speaker would be a lie.  Inwardly I have seethed and tossed and turned at night over perceived wrongs and what I could do to make them right.  But with time I have learned to wait....and pray...and listen for the Inner Voice that leads me when I make decisions.
Some times I falter and fail.  But I hope that in the end I will find a certain peace and contentment knowing that I have been just a part of what someone was seeking.  A helper, not a stumbling block.  A healer, and not a source of hurt.  A person who shows love and not hate.  A true believer in the good. 
But....I am still growing.  Pray for me.

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