Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Angels watching over me....

So many funerals...so many good-byes.....so many angels watching over me.  Today, again, I sit in that familiar place, among friends and family, honoring the life, supporting in prayer, grieving but not wishing them back.  
I have attended so many good-byes this year that I have actually lost count.  Some were old and have lived a full and fruitful life.  Others taken too soon, without even having a chance to tell them how much they meant to us.
Words are said, songs sung, Bible passages recited, comfort given, hugs, kisses, tears running freely down our cheeks.  All in all a time when we need to gather together.  
I don't particularly like funerals.  My father's was the first I ever attended at the age of 12.  Numb with grief, I was scarcely able to remember what was said or done.  But I do remember one kind lady taking my hand and leading me to a secluded spot.  She said, "Janie, you need to cry.  It is what you need to do...just go ahead and cry.  I'm here and it will be okay."  And cry I did.  After that I was okay...in a way.
Grief is a personal, private thing.  We all grieve in our own way.
And always we feel that connection with the one we have lost.  Angels.  That is what they are.  Angels looking down.  Angels watching over me.
Peace, comfort, rest.  For you, me and all of us who are left behind.

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