Saturday, January 20, 2018

And on.....

Salter Path, North Carolina.  1967.  Late August.  Andy and I had been married about 2 months and stopped by to visit with his folks while they vacationed near the ocean.  How young.  How untried.  How in love we were.  Just the best of the best.  We had no idea what we were going to do.  Headed back to Wisconsin to familiar surroundings, we had dreams, but nothing really in mind.
I think back on those days.  It would have worried me as a parent to have two young people joining their lives together without a clue as to what might be ahead.  We weren't totally in the dark.  The war was raging in Southeast Asia...and Andy's number had come up.  We knew that was in the future.  But we would make that decision when we had to.  And we did.  But that story will wait for another time.
Yes.  We have just celebrated 50 years of togetherness.  Ups and downs.  Joys and sorrows.  Disappointments.  Unbelievable good fortune. 
Just last night as we were dancing to a familiar tune, in step and smiling at each other, he reminded me that we were beginning our 6th decade with each other.  Can that be so?  I guess it is.  
I close my eyes and smile.  What might lie ahead for us?  I have no idea.  
Love will carry us through it.  And on and on......


  1. Oh, how sweet. I always believe that it's a good thing we can't see ahead, that we go blindly into our future, not knowing what awaits -- because there is plenty of bad (downs, disappointments, sorrows) to go with the good. Hopefully, the good wins and outweighs the other. I think it surely has for you two, and as you enter your 60th decade together, I hope your ups, joys and rejoicings outnumber the other many times over!

  2. Thanks. And thank you for good wishes.
