Saturday, April 21, 2018


True confession time again.  Yes, I do not like housework.  And today, the first really nice, less-windy and more warm, sunny with a dash of clouds kind of day....yes, today, the temptation was just too much for me.  I left the broom and dust cloth, the Scrubbing Bubbles and the Windex, on the shelf and escaped.
Andy and I have always been a team, ever since we kept our 1950 Chevy Carryall running and half-way on the road when we were first married 50+ years ago.  I helped him change oil, put in new spark plugs, check the battery, install new hoses.  Whatever needed to be done was done in the driveway of our rental home there in Wisconsin.  Rain or shine, freeze or thaw.  There we were.
I am really good at being an extra pair of hands.  I can find a wrench.  I can dig around and unearth the oil can, the antifreeze jug, the needed piece of short wire that will hold until we get something better.  
Today was such a day.  I could see he needed help getting the disc on the tractor.  And I was his Girl Friday..or Saturday as the case might be.  Go get the oil can...and I got it.  Go get the socket wrench..oops wrong one...go get the RIGHT one.  (I'm a little rusty with reading that fine print on the sides of tools.  I used to be able to find them in my sleep.)  Find the right size chain to weigh down the front of our little 8N.  She is small but she is tough and ready for any job we have.
Finally he was ready to go.  Down to the garden he went with me trailing behind.  I was curious how our new-to-us disc would do.  I must say that it worked like a charm.
And the best part?  I was outside, on a beautiful spring day in the Ozarks, watching my husband do what he loves.  Worth every minute.  And a welcome escape.

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