Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Guitar Man

Saying good-bye to friends is always hard.  Especially when they have made your life so much more enjoyable.  Truman Lewis, who passed away this week, was surely a ray of sunshine that lightened every day.  
I first met Truman at the Tuesday night music jam that was held at the Senior Center in Gainesville.  This picture is from 2013.  Here he is surrounded by his music playin' buddies, Harold and Eldon.  You can see JR Strickland there the right hand corner.  Music..and jokes...and fun.  That was what it was all about.
But this is about Truman and what he meant to all of us...and me too.  Even though his voice had gotten scratchy and his hands were not as sure on the strings...when it came his turn to play...he played with all his heart.  At this particular jam I remember him dedicating his song to his old school teacher..Valeta Crawford who was in the audience.  How she loved music!  And Truman knew just the songs she liked to hear.  Stories..he had quite a few.  He wasn't quite as loquacious as some of his buddies but he could tell a good tale.  
One night during break I sat down next to him.  He was really proud of the guitar he had that night.  Told me all about it.  Since I was a complete novice in all things with strings, I asked him some questions.  And he was so good about being patient with me and my lack of expertise.  
I guess that would just about sum up Truman in a few words.  Loved music, kind and understanding, and always ready with a smile and a good word.
We will miss him.  But I know if there is a bluegrass group up in Heaven, he is playing with them right now....and his voice is strong and clear and his fingers are nimble on the strings.  Play on Truman, play on.


  1. Oh, Jane, it's so sad to lose these fine men who were so important in carrying on the best traditions. Life will not be as rich without men like Truman.

    1. Yes it is. We don't have many of them left. Young people are coming on and they know how much this tradition means. But men like Truman are one in a million.

  2. I remember that night too, and think of the many from that circle of musicians already gone. What a wonderful jam session they are having in Heaven together!

  3. Yes it was a wonderful night. I was taking pictures for an article in the paper I think...anyway I am glad I got them. And yes..that heavenly jam session must be the very best!
