Friday, December 6, 2019

I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony..

You know it.  We all hum it at least once or twice during the Holiday Season. It's that famous Coke ad....and it ends "to keep it company.."  Aside from its crass commercialism, I like this tune.  And that is what I was thinking tonight as I came to the Gainesville Square and joined with lots of people who came to celebrate this Season.
Eating.  There was lots to eat.  Visiting.  Yes, some of that too.  Kids making paper ornaments to put on a tree.  People bundled up in the cold, shivering but glad to be there.  And lots of things to look at and buy.  Crafts and food and more food.  If you didn't get the Jolly Vibe..then you were not alive...that is for sure.
The parade.  What can I say about it?  It had more floats than I have ever seen in an Ozark County parade.  It was beyond spectacular.  It was awesome.  Lights twinkling..even on the semis...each fire department was there.  Floats with kids.  Floats with singing kids.  Floats with animals.  Horses.  And Santa and Mrs. Santa came in a perfect Model A pick-up.  I was sorry I didn't have a child or grandchild to take up and meet them.
All around me smiles.  Comments about the perfection of this display of community spirit.  Just pure and simple joy.
Which got me  thinking about what makes our place..and places like unique.  We don't need a lot of buzz and glitz.  Although some of the lights were pretty bright, that's for sure.  We don't need a multi-million dollar spectacle to make our Season bright.  What we need is to get together, eat a bowl of soup, share some kettle corn, drink hot chocolate, admire the handcrafted items of our neighbors and friends and visit.  Give a hug.  Say I love you.  Smile and be happy for awhile.
Yes.  We can "teach the world to sing in perfect harmony."  All it takes is a little practice. 

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