Wednesday, January 19, 2022

One January Afternoon

Some of you will recognize this view.  We haven't been able to climb up here for about a year, due to various things that have gotten in the way.  But enough of that.
This is one of our favorite places to sit and contemplate the wonders of Ozark County.  It is in the Caney Mountain Refuge, which we always refer to as just The Refuge...or Caney Mountain.  
Far below in the valley is the road we usually use.  But it is closed due to water undermining a low water crossing.  We were brave a few weeks ago and took the truck over it, after Andy got out and inspected the crack that made it all but impassable.
We enjoyed taking the southern route.  It brought back lots of fond memories when we could hike all the way from the Public Hunting Area, through the gate and onto the road that  generally goes downhill toward the main entrance.  Mushroom hunting in the spring, exploring the fields for sheds, looking for frogs and critters in the ponds along the way.  As we drove we told a lot of tales...and some of them were true!
How blessed we are to be able to enjoy this place of solitude.  Looking through the valley that you face when you stand in the picnic area, you can see our barn...and our house.  Just peeking over the ridge where our neighbor's house sits atop a hill, there it is.  You can't see the house, but the barn shines in the sun.  
We had the place to ourselves, as we often do.  That is okay.  Nothing better than a little bit of peace and quiet in a beautiful setting.  Calm thoughts.  Good thoughts.  Carefree feelings of letting the world stand still for awhile.  Not that we live in a hurry up and wait place.  But it is always nice to rest your eyes and spirit, sitting on a rock, watching the birds fly below you.  Thinking of nothing.  Just enjoying the day of sunshine, moving clouds, and shadows on the rocks.
Contentment.  Indeed.



  1. Beautiful, Jane. I love the woods in wintertime. Being able to see everything is the best. Having it to yourselves is the icing on the cake -- best enjoyed in solitude (or just with the one you love.)

  2. Thanks Janet. I really love to get out and see things when I have been cooped up a lot.
