Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Consider the lilies of the field.....

Not a lily, but still something to consider.  A wild rose growing in the rocks by the side of my county road.
Impossibly pink.  Golden yellow center.  Leaves that give a wonderful contrast to the pale rosy beauty of the flower.
If I were designing a flower that spoke of late spring it would be the wild rose.
Its glowing color and simple form speak of shimmering days and star-spangled nights that lie ahead.
Summer.  Can you hear the flower whisper?  If you listen carefully you will hear it say," Summer.  It's just around the corner!"


  1. i love the wild roses. they grow like crazy in the sandy soil down near the coast. nothing is prettier than a wildflower.

  2. Indeed. This one was growing out of the cement we dumped by the side of the road. Amazing!
