Monday, June 10, 2013


Here is my family in the early 50's.  It is the only picture I have where all of us are together.  Mother's Day and Father's Day always bring along with them memories of the time we were together. 
This occasion was my cousin Betty's wedding.  I can't remember much about that day except I know it was in June and this photo was taken in the side yard of my aunt and uncle's home.
My dad was thirteen years older than my mom.  He was born in 1897 and my mom was born in 1910.  When they first met he shaved a few years off his age so my mom wouldn't think he was an 'old man'.  When they married in 1936, he was nearly forty. 
My brother Derek arrived nearly a year later.  Dad was very proud of  his first born.  He and his cousin Hazel took off work when Derry turned one so they could celebrate the day in style.
Next came Paul.  I have a picture of him and Dad in the backyard of our house, shelling peas.  Paul was probably about three years old and he is paying close attention to what Dad is doing.  We all did.  Because we knew he'd expect us to remember what he had shown us the next time we were asked to help him out.
About three years later, I arrived on the scene.  My dad really wanted a daughter.  And when I was born he must have been very happy.  There is something special about a dad and daughter relationship.  And I felt that closeness many times.
I remember when I first went to school.  He would come home from work and before dinner we would sit  down and talk about my day.  "Did you learn to spell 'yeller ball'?", he would ask and laugh and laugh.  That was a real mystery to me but it still made me smile.
He worked very hard every work day but when he came home he always had time to play with us.  He would get his old baseball glove out of the front closet and take the boys out back and play catch.  Spending long hours in his vegetable garden gave him great  pleasure.  He loved his home and his family.
Sadly, we did not get to grow up much before he was taken from us.  I was only twelve, Paul was fifteen and Derek was in his second year of college.  We all felt our loss in different ways.
The boys are gone now too.  I am the only child remaining.  And so this Father's Day I remember my dad and how much he loved all of us.
Happy Father's Day Dad.  Happy Father's Day to you.   


  1. I love how you all are so smartly dressed. You even have a little hat! I loved men's clothing of that time. They look so handsome with their ties and hats! I also enjoyed your post on haying. I love the smell of fresh hay :-)

  2. Yes, this is one of my favorite pictures....and the hay is still being cut even as we speak. Some of it has gotten wet, but it is a great year for hay.
