Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Somedays I sit and think.....

As age creeps up on me like a stealthy thief, I find myself sitting more.  And some days I sit and think.  And some days I just sit.
 What a wonderful time I have just being at rest with my thoughts.  I don't think of myself as a profound person.  I pretty much take life one day at a time.  That is what seems best to me, right now.  I have a roof over my head.  Food to eat.  Some money in the bank.  A car and a truck to drive.  Friends.  Family.
Solitude is a marvelous thing.
On a good day I can bring forward those happy memories that I choose to remember.  The bad creeps in from time to time, but I have learned to ignore it and it generally leaves me alone. 
When I was younger I often wondered what my grandmother did all day, sitting and rocking and smiling to herself from time to time.
Now I know.  Not that I am ready to sit and rock from sunup to sundown.  But, every now and then I like to sit.  Sometimes thinking.  Sometimes not. 


  1. i need to sit and think more. it seems i'm always doing and going. trying to touch everyone's life, working, taking care of business. i'm ready for some slow, but i'm not there yet. it seems i had a taste of it between homeschooling and grandbabies being born. but now i'm in it in a big way & i wouldn't have it any other way :)

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  3. I can see why. My grandson Gus was born last Tuesday. We are here at his parent's home in NYC and will have to leave this weekend. But I'll see him again before long.
