Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I think that this time of year brings out the best in most of us.  Even the ones who fight that "feel good" rush you get when you see a Christmas wreath, or sing a carol, or even have someone wish you Merry Christmas, succumb to a smile, or at least a half-way grin.  Don't deny it!  I've seen it all.
Christmas blessings are meant to share all year long.  When the tinsel has lost its sparkle, when the last brown needle has fallen from the tree, Christmas can still be alive in us.  It is hard to feel that glow sometimes.  But I am going to try this year, as I do every year, to make it last a little longer than before.  I am going to smile more, laugh  with ease.  I am going to enjoy the company of friends and make new ones.  I am going to be more a listener than a talker.  I am going to pray more, believe with a deeper commitment, and do my best to make my little part of the world a better place in which to live.
My prayer for you:  God send you Christmas blessings now and all through the coming year.
Merry Christmas


  1. Your Christmas wish should be the one we all wish! Blessings to you and Andy and to the rest of your little family, as you travel to be with them. I hope it is the most joyous time for you all!
