Sunday, December 4, 2016


'Tis the season for wishing.
I wish that everyone could experience a night full of stars.  The Milky Way spreading across the winter sky.  The Pleiades and Orion's Belt twinkling high above.  Close your eyes.  Can you hear the angels singing?
I wish that everyone could sit down to a table with food, hot from the oven, prepared with loving hands, and be grateful for what they have.
I wish that everyone could speak and be heard.  Listened to with respect and understanding.  Perhaps we can't agree.  But we can be civil and live in peace with our neighbor.
I wish that children could grow up with love on every hand, protected by the community, taught to give as well as receive, and live in harmony with each other.
I wish that each person would open their eyes every day and be thankful  they are alive,  and determined to do their best to make this a better world.
Wishes.  Perhaps more than that.  This is the season of promise.  Perhaps it is time to make some of these wishes come true.

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