Monday, August 19, 2013


After the ample rains and cooler temperatures of the last week or so, I have noticed a definite change in the air.  While I was walking in the pasture today, the light seemed to be more golden, bringing out the green blades of grass in bolder relief.  The breeze felt some cooler than the days a month ago, when July was blazing over the field and the ground was crying out in dusty dismay, Send us some rain!
Are we going to have an early fall?  The cicadas and katydids are still chirping loudly, not at all in their early fall mode.  Birds that migrate are gathering together in flocks, but seem in no hurry to travel to their winter homes.  No leaves are turning and the only ones that have fallen are from trees that could no longer support them during the weeks of drought.  Perhaps we will have one of those times of changing season when the best of both summer and fall prevail.
Cool nights warming into sun-kissed days.  Gardens continuing to grow well into mid-fall and later without the threat of early frost.  Rivers flowing full and clear below sapphire skies. 
Oh yes, such promises this golden day brings with it.  And we can hold on to that hope.  Change.....and welcome it will be.


  1. we've been having cool nights and warm days. heavy dews in the morning. rain has been giving us a break for the past week. crickets are loud and everywhere-more than usual and the grasshoppers are also plentiful this year. here and there you can already spot some changed leaves. --karen

  2. It might be that way all over the country Karen. Have had same reports from friends all over. Might as well enjoy it...and hope it lasts.
