Friday, June 27, 2014

Sleeping with the windows open...

Hot days are turning into cooler nights.  I love to open my windows and doors and feel the gentle breeze blow all through my little house when the sun goes down.  Fresh air.  It beats that stale closed-up feeling that air conditioning brings.  Don't get me wrong.  I am all for comfort on the hottest of days.  But when the sun goes down, I crave the feel of real night air on my sunburned face.  I love taking my shower, getting into my night clothes and sitting out on the porch, seeing the lights blink on all over the country.  The stars shine down.  In the distance I can hear the screech owl calling.  My road leads down toward the woods. I can  imagine all the scurrying that the nighttime creatures do as they look for food and frolic.  I don't take many walks after dark but I  stand out on the grass and marvel at how different the night feels from day.  The inky blackness doesn't frighten me. 
Coming in, I turn down the covers, get into bed, turn out the light, say my prayers and close my eyes.  I have never had trouble going to sleep.  A simple mind?  Perhaps so.  But now in this season of sunshot days and velvet nights, I drift off to sleep with the windows open.  Such bliss.  Such comfort.  Such peace. 


  1. i always look forward to this time of year for just this reason. really hot and humid days are few and far between here, but the nights are always a bit cool. some you would call sultry ( for maine anyway) when the nighttime temps stay in the 60's. i love falling asleep listening to the night sounds.

  2. Aren't we blessed to live in places where we can enjoy the night sounds?
